Find a sleep package
that works for your family

Package A —
The Newborn Method

Age: 0 to 12 weeks

One hour phone or video call to review gentle sleep strategies and answer any questions

Newborn sleep guide takeaway PDF

Investment: $85

Package B —
Infant & Toddler Training

Age: 4 months - 5 years-old
Comprehensive  evaluation of current sleep habits and day-to-day routines.

Personalized sleep plan that provides a step-by-step approach to teach your baby or child to sleep independently

1-hour sleep plan consultation call (via phone or video call)

Sleep tracker with daily analysis and feedback

​Night 1 text support (7 pm - 10 pm)

​4 x 30-minute follow up calls

2 weeks of daily text support within business hours 

Investment: $525

Package C —
The Bundle

Age: 0-5 years-old
Offered to clients with newborns who are interested in bundling the newborn sleep education package with the 2-week infant and toddler package.

If you’re looking to sleep train your baby from start to finish, this is the best package for you and it offers a savings of $25.

Investment: $585

Does your little one have independent sleep skills but has suddenly started to experience some sleep disruptions? Not sure if your family needs a comprehensive evaluation and package?

I also offer individual support calls and limited support packages to help maintain your families sleep through life’s challenges and surprises. These are offered to little ones who already have established independent sleep skills and just need some support and guidance to get back on track.

Book a FREE discovery call with me to find out more!

Has Your Independent Sleeper Hit a Rough Patch?

Individual Support Call -

One 30- minute phone call to go through your families current sleep struggles and answer any sleep related questions.

A follow up email to clarify any remaining questions.

Investment: $70

Comprehensive  evaluation of current sleep habits and day-to-day routines.

Personalized mini sleep plan that provides strategies to get baby sleeping independently again

30- minute sleep plan consultation call (via phone or video call)

Sleep tracker with daily analysis and feedback

​Night 1 text support (7 pm - 10 pm)

1 x 30-minute follow up calls

1 week of daily text support within business hours 

Investment: $360

Get Back on Track Package -

Get started on your sleeping journey today